Tag Archives: Sherri Litfin

Grandma, who’s your favorite?

Sherri Litfin told me that one day after some of her grandchildren had been playing hide-and-seek in Granddaddy’s library, they ran to Sherri at the dinner table.  Almost in unison they asked, “Grammy, who do you love best?  I’m your favorite, right?”  At that moment, Sherri knew that saying she loved them equally and didn’t have a favorite would seem unsatisfying to them and might actually prolong the rivalry.  So she shocked them by saying, “As a matter of fact, I do have a favorite!”

Her grandchildren’s eyes got really big as they waited for her to go on.  Sherri quietly told them that whoever she was looking at – at that particular moment – was her favorite.  Then she looked around the circle, staring at them one at a time, saying, “You’re my favorite . . . you’re my favorite . . . you’re my favorite . . . you’re my favorite.”  When she finished, they broke into cheers and ran off, fully satisfied with her response.  Sherri heard them saying to each other, “I told you I was the favorite – she loves me best!”

What a great way to handle that question about favorites!  Sherri is a wise woman, and I’m grateful for her contribution to The Christian Grandma’s Idea Book.

Taken from The Christian Grandma’s Idea Book by Ellen Banks Elwell copyright 2008.  Used by permission of Crossway Books, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers, Wheaton, Il 60187, www.crossway.org.

Blessings to you and yours,



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